Vet’s Corner with Dr. Tiva: How to Transport Cats Fear Free

Vet’s Corner with Dr. Tiva: How to Transport Cats Fear Free

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles
Does your cat hate going in their carrier? Does your cat shut down when they go to the vet? If so, you’re not alone. Unlike dogs, cats tend to be housebound, living most of their lives in a familiar place with familiar people. Think of how we socialize puppies: we ensure they meet lots of people, are exposed to umbrellas and vacuum cleaners, and go lots of places in the car. Dogs learn from an early age how to deal with various circumstances, especially travel in the human world. Compare that to a cat, who maybe only leaves the house once in a blue moon to go the vet. A carrier means getting car sick, going outside their comfort zone, and having terrible time getting poked at the vet. This…
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