How To Be A Proactive Eco-Friendly Cat Owner

How To Be A Proactive Eco-Friendly Cat Owner

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Current "Mews", Vet's Corner
How To Be A Proactive Eco-Friendly Cat Owner By Anna Huerta Some people easily live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Others may be too overwhelmed even to try, perhaps fearing the high costs or overthinking the effort required. Besides that, people might not even be considering how their pets could add to their household’s environmental impact. However, some simple swaps in your own pet’s, specifically cat’s, lifestyle could help reduce your total carbon footprint. Starting with food, it’s essential to select brands that require fewer resources during the production process, like valuable areas of land or large amounts of water. Some environmentally friendly options include foods made from organic ingredients from companies like Open Farm, Lily’s Kitchen, and ZiwiPeak. It’s also important to check if most of the cat food you buy…
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How Are The Wildfires Affecting My Cat?

How Are The Wildfires Affecting My Cat?

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Vet's Corner
How Are The Wildfires Affecting My Cat? Written by Sela Garza If you live in California at the moment and own a cat, you might be wondering how the wildfires are affecting cats and what we can do to keep them safe. Smoke and low air quality can affect your cat just as they affect humans. It’s easier to keep indoor cats safe from harm, but we can protect our outdoor cats, too, by limiting the amount of time they spend outside. It will be an adjustment for them—and probably for you—but it will be worth it when you see them emerge from the house happy and healthy! As in humans, smoke can irritate your pet’s respiratory tract, which can lead to labored breathing and coughing. Needless to say, they cannot…
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Your Cats’ First Week Home Pt.2

Your Cats’ First Week Home Pt.2

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Vet's Corner
Your Cats’ First Week Home Pt.2 By Cece Gu When it comes to cats, bonding can be unpredictable due to their moody behavior. Some cats, such as Persian, Burmese, or Ragdoll, have a more friendly and sociable personality and can be easier to bond with. Some breeds, such as Siamese, tend to be a little more standoffish. But one thing to keep in mind is that if you’re patient, you can form a bond with any breed of cat as long as you do it the right way. Bonding does not happen over a few hours but may take days or weeks. Here are some more tips for gently and effectively introducing new cats to you and your home. Tip #1: Set up a small space to bond in. Cats…
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Enjoying the Outdoors Safely

Enjoying the Outdoors Safely

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Vet's Corner
Enjoying the Outdoors Safely By C. M. Saracco It’s a dilemma many cat parents face:  they want their cats to enjoy the outdoors while remaining safe and protecting wildlife. What if it wasn’t strictly an either/or choice?   Leash / Harness Training   Training your cat to tolerate a harness and leash can help your cat explore the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors while remaining safely near you.  Combined pricing for both units is affordable, often $15 - $40.  For more than a decade, I’ve used this option with my now 19-year-old cat Ezekiel, a rescue who had been accustomed to roaming outdoors and occasionally fought with neighbor cats or dashed across the street.  He’s now indoors-only except when we harness him for a backyard sunbathing or garden exploration session. …
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Growing Your Own Kitty Treats

Growing Your Own Kitty Treats

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Vet's Corner
Growing Your Own Kitty Treats By C. M. Saracco The sunny days of Spring are a great time to grow cat grass or catnip for your kitties.  Both are easy to cultivate in Santa Clara County, in containers or in the ground.  And both are reputed to offer mild health benefits – for example, cat grass can aid digestion and help cats eliminate hairballs, while catnip can reduce anxiety and encourage exercise. Most cats like them.  Growing these treats for your cat is actually quite easy.  You just need a couple of sturdy containers and a sunny spot indoors or outdoors.  If you’re impatient or just don’t want to get your hands dirty, many garden shops carry cat grass and catnip plants.  But growing your own is fun and inexpensive and…
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A Special Story About A Special Cat

A Special Story About A Special Cat

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Happy Tails
A Special Story About A Special Cat Written by Amber Le As we frequently see many cats find their special homes, one of our most heartfelt stories is about Wendy (now known as Winnie). Wendy pretty much had the whole package: exotic looks, a loving nature, and her overall positive presence. However, it was a bit hard for her to be adopted. She has a condition called feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) which severely weakens her immune system. FIV is only contagious through deep bite wounds and cats with this condition tend to live long, healthy lives. Wendy’s charm and affectionate behavior usually caught people’s eye but potential adopters would usually worry about her health. As a result, she remained at the shelter for a while. As the days went by…
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