Year End Giving 2022
Together, We Can Save More Cats.
How You Can Change Lives.
The end of the year brings with it the season of giving thanks and giving back. It’s a time to reflect on the past months and all of their ups and downs: the many challenges we’ve faced, and the obstacles we’ve overcome. It’s a time to celebrate the power of giving, volunteerism, and even small, simple acts of kindness.
Thanks to your donations and public support, our #GivingTuesday was a success in raising $36,400 of our $40,000 goal for our lifesaving Angel Fund. Along with this much-needed support, we are continuing our fundraising efforts to ensure our programs will save more lives in 2023.
Approximately 3.2 million cats enter U.S shelters every year. More than 500,000 of those cats are euthanized.
These statistics are why our philosophy has always been Every Cat Matters. It pushes us to step up to the challenge of rescuing cats and kittens from kill shelters and throughout our community. As we continue into our 25th year, our goal is to remain steadfast in saving more lives and expanding our reach to the community. As an organization, we continue to take steps to educate ourselves on emerging animal welfare policies, develop community resource programs, and provide the best and most advanced veterinary care for our animals. The dedication to our mission and the tremendous years of hard work by volunteers, fosters, staff, and generous donors continue to allow Town Cats to thrive.
Our goal for the year-end is to raise $50K for our Special Programs
Our vision for 2023 is to expand our Community Cat Cupboard, continue to build our Foster Network, and increase the number of cat and kitten education programs we provide. Developing these programs will allow us the resources we need to rescue more cats and kittens, help families keep their cats, and prevent surrenders in the community.
Your year-end contribution puts your funds where they are needed most: our rescue programs. It takes approximately $350 for every kitten rescued to be altered, vaccinated, and cared for until adoption. For adult cats who are surrendered, it can take even more. Most cats that come through the shelter haven’t seen a vet in years, if ever, and require extra medical care to get them healthy and prepared for a loving home.
Our community outreach programs continue to expand; our Feral Cat Pantry feeds approximately 500 feral and community cats in the area. Our Cat Cupboard Relief Program provided food and litter to those experiencing financial hardship and other economic challenges helping keep 40 cats in their homes in 2022.
Your tax-deductible donation will ensure that these programs will continue to be supported in 2023. Every gift makes a difference, no matter how big or small.
Because of you, we are able to make a big impact!
Our goal is to raise $50K for our Program Expansion. Help us meet the needs of our current and incoming rescues today by supporting our no-kill mission to save more cats in the community because Every Cat Matters.
Giving Suggestions
- Consider a one-time gift that will immediately be put to use to increase our reach in the community by expanding our incredible programs.
- Consider a sustaining gift of a monthly donation which will ensure Town Cats has the continuous funds to rescue, care for, and adopt more cats in the community.
- See some examples below of how your support is put to use:

$25 a month or $300 one-time gift sponsors one kitten’s full care in foster until adoption

$50 a month or $600 one-time gift pays for medications for a special needs cat for one year

$75 a month or $900 one-time gift pays for medications for a special needs cat for one year

$100 a month or $1200 one-time gift covers the cost for one enucleation (eye-removal) surgery

$175 a month or $2000 one-time gift covers the cost for treatment of a cat with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)