February Adoptaversaries!

February Adoptaversaries!

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Happy Tails
February Adoptaversaries   These are several adoptaversaries for the month of February! Thanks to our case managers, the stories of our lovely felines keep coming in. These are February's Adoptaversaries! February 2017 Updates Itohan Ellis with Loki: "Thank you so much for getting in touch and checking in on Loki - it's truly heartwarming. Loki is doing extremely well. She's 200% part of the family and knows it! She loves the girls and shows it.  Her personality is quite unique - she'll often lie on her back with legs splayed out and snooze, she considers mice friends and playmates, she likes to climb into bed with you and somehow ends up sleeping on your head... the list goes on.  Basically, we love her to bits and couldn't imagine being without her." …
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Bonding With Your New Adult Cat

Bonding With Your New Adult Cat

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles
Bonding With Your New Adult Cat By Hayley Shucker So, you did something very special during the holiday season—you’ve adopted a furry friend! First of all,  congratulations and thank you for adopting—it saves lives! If your new friend is an adult cat, she (or he) will need special attention when coming to their forever home. If you are a novice cat owner, here are some tips to help you bond with the new addition to your family. She might be scared and hide for a few days. Even if she was friendly and begging for your affection at the adoption center, that attitude can change when you get home with her. Two things, in particular, can trigger your cat to run and hide: the car ride home and odors in…
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Why Senior Cats Make Amazing Pets

Why Senior Cats Make Amazing Pets

Cat Blog Articles
Why Senior Cats Make Amazing Pets Written by Reanne Rodrigues Looking for a lazy nap companion? A playful, toy-loving hunter? Or a pet that loves children and other animals? An adult cat can be all this and more.  I met a lovely seven-pound, a ten-year-old senior cat named Toots last week. Toots was adopted by my friend Jane after many months of being overlooked by other adopters due to her age. Jane, however, just couldn’t resist Toots’ delightful purring and endearing sneer (due to an extracted tooth). It was the best decision Jane ever made. Toots is super friendly, very easy to care for, and even endures the dog’s kisses. But most of all, she makes Jane incredibly happy.  Toots’ adoption story isn’t uncommon. Many people who visit shelters usually…
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