Birds Love Indoor Cats!

Birds Love Indoor Cats!

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles
Birds Love Indoor Cats! Written by Daniel V. Photographer Jak Wonderly’s photo “Caught by Cats” created quite a stir in 2020. Pictured are 232 dead animals that were all killed by house cats. In the United States, cats kill about 2 billion birds and 12 billion mammals annually. Of all bird deaths across the US, about three-quarters are linked to cats. In Australia, cats kill an estimated 230 million birds, reptiles, and mammals a year. The feral cat population there has posed such a threat to native species that, from 2015 to 2018, 844,000 cats were culled in an effort to protect native wildlife. Clearly, pet owners—cat guardians in particular—have an important role to play in the environment. Indoor/outdoor and outdoor-only cats kill more animals each year than aircraft and…
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March Adoptaversaries!

March Adoptaversaries!

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Happy Tails
March Adoptaversaries! Gathered by Denali R. March 2016 Adoptaversaries! Beth Johnson with Kimba: "We are all so glad we brought this baby into our home. He's headbutting my leg right now as I type. We renamed him Kimba (after the white lion in the anime series). He's a little rough around the edges, but when you start off in life as he did, it's no surprise the world is still a little scary. He went from bitey and scratchy to purring and cuddly. He talks all the time. He's just wonderful, and we adore him. You can see more pics of him on my Instagram: plus all our other cats, including our tortie, who also came from Town Cats. Her original name was Sabrina, but we call her Chessy.…
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Random Acts of Kitty Kindness

Random Acts of Kitty Kindness

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles
Random Acts of Kitty Kindness Written by Caitlyn Conville   This Spring, we should strive to do more good deeds and in general, just be kinder to ourselves, to the planet, to one another… and that includes our more cuddly companions! Here are seven actions - one for every day of the week - that the felines in your community will surely appreciate.   Spread awareness! It’s as easy as signing a petition or sharing a post on social media about a cat who is looking to be adopted. You can also take a little extra time to educate others. Create flyers that detail warning signs of animal abuse and resources on how to report it, the importance of spaying and neutering your pets, or remind your neighborhood to check…
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