Anti- Declaw: Understanding the Damage of Declawing & The Alternatives
By: Nicole McCray Declawing is the surgical removal of an animal’s claws. Most cat owners consider getting their cats declawed to avoid scratching and reduce furniture damage when the cat is playing. However, they fail to consider the lasting damage that declawing has to the health and well-being of their cats. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) discourages surgical declawing and encourages other non-surgical alternatives. Below, we’ll look at the lasting damages of declawing your cat and explore alternatives that will help you avoid causing more complications. Damages of Declawing Declawing features the use of a scalpel or guillotine clipper to amputate your cat. Laser surgery is also another option that may be preferred for declawing. After the procedures, your cat is closed up with stitches and feet bandaged. These…