
Meows Around Town

Anti- Declaw: Understanding the Damage of Declawing & The Alternatives

Anti- Declaw: Understanding the Damage of Declawing & The Alternatives

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By: Nicole McCray Declawing is the surgical removal of an animal’s claws. Most cat owners consider getting their cats declawed to avoid scratching and reduce furniture damage when the cat is playing. However, they fail to consider the lasting damage that declawing has to the health and well-being of their cats. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) discourages surgical declawing and encourages other non-surgical alternatives. Below, we’ll look at the lasting damages of declawing your cat and explore alternatives that will help you avoid causing more complications.  Damages of Declawing Declawing features the use of a scalpel or guillotine clipper to amputate your cat. Laser surgery is also another option that may be preferred for declawing. After the procedures, your cat is closed up with stitches and feet bandaged.  These…
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Happy Tails Tuesday- June

Happy Tails Tuesday- June

All Posts, Happy Tails
For today's happy tale, we have quite a story.  June is a very special cat; she was brought to us a little over two years ago as a kitten. After she was adopted, she began to have seizures, which her adopter could not manage. June was brought back to Town Cats just a few weeks after being adopted. At the shelter, June was going through medical evaluations and tests; despite everything, she was still not thriving. That's when she met Carmel, who was visiting the shelter to inquire about fostering another cat. Carmel was a great friend, foster, and supporter of Town Cats, so shelter staff asked if she would be able to foster June instead of the cat she was initially there to meet. Carmel agreed, and that was…
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The Importance of Spay and Neuter

The Importance of Spay and Neuter

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This kitten season, we had a massive amount of kittens and mothers come through our shelter. We have found homes for over 200 of those kittens, and many of their mothers have also found forever homes. There have been Mama Soup and her kittens, The Bobs Burger Crew, Stranger Things Babies, and Sweet Pea with her veggie kittens, just to name a few. One thing all these cats have in common is that the mothers (quite obviously) were not spayed and ended up with a litter of kittens. An unhealthy pattern is forming, and that pattern is that every year, kitten season gets more hectic, increasing the number of cats and kittens coming through our doors. This is why at Town Cats we make sure that all of our cats…
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Check the Chip

Check the Chip

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles
Today is check the chip day! Microchipping is a common practice and an essential step in adopting and owning a pet. What is a microchip? A microchip is an electronic chip implanted under the skin of the neck of your pet. The chip has a unique identification number that can be read when the chip is scanned. The microchip is connected to a database that contains medical details, the owner's contact details, and other information about your pet. Why Microchip? According to the ASPCA, microchips paired with visible ID tags are the most reliable way to locate a lost pet. While a collar can fall off or break, a microchip is implanted under your pet's skin. Once it is registered, the information stays with your pet forever! Every cat that…
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The (Kitten Foster) Book of 2021

The (Kitten Foster) Book of 2021

Cat Blog Articles, Current "Mews", Happy Tails, News & Happenings
By: Levi Fistori With each New Year, Town Cat's reflects on the previous year of rescue; the joyful adoptions, the happy endings, our new friends, and on the hardships, the losses, and the bittersweet goodbyes. We sort our files and catch up on cleaning; we close our book on the previous year and open a book for the next.   The book of 2021 wasn't quite what anyone expected it to be, the sequel to 2020 that no one wanted. But even while much of the world remained on lockdown, the world of animal rescue never stopped. As businesses wrestled with whether or not to open their doors, Town Cats continued rescuing and helping cats in need. Over 300 cats came through our shelter doors in 2020, and 85% of them…
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Saving #FIP Lily – An Angel Fund Story

Saving #FIP Lily – An Angel Fund Story

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Current "Mews", Meet Our Pets, News & Happenings
In early September 2021, the San Francisco Animal Care & Control contacted Town Cats about taking in a "behavioral case" - a troubled one-year-old cat named Lily. Lily found herself at the San Francisco Animal Shelter after giving birth to kittens, a familiar story for young, unfixed cats like Lily. After her kittens were weaned and adopted, Lily remained at the Animal Shelter with a brewing case of "Cage Rage" - a condition where ordinarily calm animals become increasingly frustrated as they spend more and more time in a cage, kennel, or animal shelter condo.  Confident that we could give Lily the space she needed to relax - Town Cats quickly said, "We'll take her!". Lily almost instantly settled in upon arriving at Town Cats and promptly made her way…
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