March Adoptaversaries!

March Adoptaversaries!

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Happy Tails
March Adoptaversaries! Gathered by Denali R. March 2016 Adoptaversaries! Beth Johnson with Kimba: "We are all so glad we brought this baby into our home. He's headbutting my leg right now as I type. We renamed him Kimba (after the white lion in the anime series). He's a little rough around the edges, but when you start off in life as he did, it's no surprise the world is still a little scary. He went from bitey and scratchy to purring and cuddly. He talks all the time. He's just wonderful, and we adore him. You can see more pics of him on my Instagram: plus all our other cats, including our tortie, who also came from Town Cats. Her original name was Sabrina, but we call her Chessy.…
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February Adoptaversaries!

February Adoptaversaries!

All Posts, Cat Blog Articles, Happy Tails
February Adoptaversaries   These are several adoptaversaries for the month of February! Thanks to our case managers, the stories of our lovely felines keep coming in. These are February's Adoptaversaries! February 2017 Updates Itohan Ellis with Loki: "Thank you so much for getting in touch and checking in on Loki - it's truly heartwarming. Loki is doing extremely well. She's 200% part of the family and knows it! She loves the girls and shows it.  Her personality is quite unique - she'll often lie on her back with legs splayed out and snooze, she considers mice friends and playmates, she likes to climb into bed with you and somehow ends up sleeping on your head... the list goes on.  Basically, we love her to bits and couldn't imagine being without her." …
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